Lee County Unified Executive Leadership Team COVID-19 Update: April 4, 2020
IDPH Reports 1,453 New Cases in Illinois for a total of 10,357 in 64 Illinois Counties
The State Death Toll has Risen to 243
Lee County has 2 positive cases of COVID-19
Much confusion has come about regarding wearing masks to protect ourselves from COVID-19. To help bring clarification and expert medical advice, KSB Hospital Chief Medical Officer Dr. Pratip Nag joined the Lee County Unified Leadership meeting today. First and foremost, people should not use N-95 masks a protective measure. N-95 masks are reserved for medical professionals and front-line public safety personnel.
COVID-19 is a virus that is transmitted from droplets in the mucus and saliva. The use of masks is for people who are sick and believed to be infected with COVID-19. In these instances, people should remain at home and not have contact with others. If you have to go outside your house or protect others in your house, using a cloth or other homemade mask is recommended.
For every person who is positive for COVID-19, it is predicted there are 7 times as many people who are infected with the virus and are not showing symptoms, such as fever, coughing, sneezing or shortness of breath. With these people, the virus is transmitted by a person touching their nose or mouth and then touching hard surfaces like doorknobs or countertops. Droplets are left on these surfaces, and when a non-infected person touches these objects and then touches their face before properly washing their hands, the virus can be transmitted. Another way a person not showing symptoms can transmit COVID-19 is if they are a loud talker and are expelling saliva in small spit droplets when they talk. This highlights the importance of not being within 6 feet of other people. Please continue to practice washing your hands before (and after) you touch your face AND physically distance from everyone greater than 6 feet.
The leadership team would like to thank Dr. Nag for sharing this insight, so our community can have factual information related to the spread of this virus. Again, N-95 masks are reserved for medical and front-line public safety personnel.
Today’s Statistics:
A total of 185 Lee County residents have been tested at KSB Hospital. 43 tests are pending, 142 are negative, 2 are positive, and 7 people remain in quarantine. Test results are taking up to 10 days. The Lee County Health Department and KSB Hospital continue to work on “contact tracing” for both individuals who have tested positive. Appropriate notifications are being made.
All 9 counties in our IDPH region now have confirmed cases of COVID-19. There are a total of 103 positives in our region.
Later this evening, a video message from Dr. Nag regarding the spread of COVID-19 that was shared on the KSB Facebook page and website will be released on other social media sites. You can go to the KSB sites to view the message now.
This morning, a new video was released with a more in-depth message from your local leaders. We thank AVP Digital for producing this video for our community. While we practice social distancing, we must intentionally find ways to virtually connect. Make sure to check in on family, friends, and our seniors.
If you are experiencing symptoms, DO NOT go to the emergency room or your doctor’s office. Call the KSB Coronavirus Hotline at 815-285-7777 or go to ksbhospital.com and click on “KSB Care Anywhere.” For complete details see the information at the bottom of this press release.
Feeding the Hungry:
“Feeding The Hungry” has moved from The Living Well Church to the KSB Emergency Department Parking Lot on Tuesday and Thursday’s from 5:00 – 6:00 PM. St. Anne Church hosts the program on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00. Meals are available to anyone in need with no questions asked.
What to do if you think you have COVID-19: (UPDATED INFORMATION)
During the current Corona Virus outbreak, individuals with symptoms SHOULD NOT GO to health care facilities such as hospitals, clinics, and urgent care centers without CALLING FIRST. Instead, they can seek care by using one of the following options:
- • Use the “KSB Care Anywhere” virtual care app (https://ksbhospital.zipnosis.com/) for a free 5 question screening in order to help differentiate your symptoms between the virus and other seasonal maladies. While a credit card is required for a more involved assessment, no charges will be applied if a COVID-19 testing referral is made.
- • KSB is offering a Coronavirus HOTLINE, by which symptoms can be evaluated against federal screening guidelines, and if appropriate, a referral is made to their Drive-Thru Screening site. The screening site is available ONLY through the hotline and between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm on weekdays by calling 815-285-7777.
- • Residents with a Primary Care Practitioner can also CALL their office for advice. Again, CALL FIRST before going to the office.
- https://www.ksbhospital.com/coronavirus-outbreak-covid-19/
- http://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/diseases-a-z-list/coronavirus
- https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
- For businesses: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-business-response.html
- Facebook: Lee County IL Health Department
For general questions about COVID-19, call the IDPH hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or 211.