This part of the park area was designed to be the quiet or reflective area. This is a place where a visitor could sit down and collect his or her thoughts, read a book, or spend some quiet time before returning to their hectic lifestyle.
Five large granite blocks measuring 5’ x 7’ create a semi-circle around a large 2’x7’ pedestal which will support a memorial flame.
A service emblem Secured to the face of each granite block representing one of the five branches of the military on the face and back of the round pedestal is the POW/MIA logo.
This area of the park is the last area to be finished. Late in the fall of 2007 with winter closing in it was decided to erect stone walls leading to the memorial flame and the monuments. These stone walls would be on either side of a legacy stone sidewalk leading to the semi-circle created by the service monuments.
Shrubs were planted between the service monuments to help eliminate some of the openness. Park benches have been added for visitors to sit on. Electricity and gas lines were installed for the memorial flame.
With these final construction projects in place the park is now 95% completed. We hope that all who visit our park will leave with a better understanding and appreciation of the sacrifice made by American servicemen and women.
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