Dixon Sister Cities currently has 5 visitors from Herzberg, Germany – one of our sister cities. They are Mirko Mauersberger who is a geologist, Maria-Magdalena Muller – a trainee to be a municipal clerk, Axel Kuche – a tax inspector, his son Philipp who is a student and Uwe Grieschat – a master butcher. This is the first time in the United States for our visitors. Jim and Judy Dixon, Paul and Kay Miller, Millie Hodapp and Cory Eykamp are hosting our guests who speak very little English but are managing quite well.
Below is their itinerary:
Herzberg Delegation – 2011
September 30, 2011 – Friday
- Delegation arrives, 14:05 (2:05 PM)
- Travel to Dixon, meet host families and welcome by Dixon Mayor Burke
October 1, 2011 – Saturday
- Time with host family – Galena for Maria-Magdalena and anyone else that may want to go, Philipp to football game if there is one on that day that is local
October 2, 2011– Sunday (David Nelson’s Birthday on the 3rd)
- Day in Grand Detour with host families, John Deere site, boat ride on the river at Ducharme/Shepherd’s home – Whipporwill
- Picnic at the Nelson’s in Grand Detour
October 3, 2011 – Monday
- *Visit locations in and around Dixon – Reagan Home, Museum, various businesses if desired, shopping, etc., – Welcone Center at 4:00 PM for celebration to commemorate the “Hand Prints” made by Mayor Burke, Burgermeister Oecknigk and Maureen Reagan.
October 4, 2011 – Tuesday
- Travel to Springfield, Illinois via Route 66 – Leaving at 7:45 AM
- Lincoln Museum
- Old and New Capitol
- Possible other sites
- Spend the night
October 5, 2011 – Wednesday
- Lincoln Tomb
- Travel to Peoria or other points of interest
- Visit Riverfront for lunch, and downtown
October 6, 2011 – Thursday
- *Time with Host family – visit local firms if desired, shopping (Prison visit for Maria-Magdalena?)
- Possible Public reception at Crystal Cork
October 7, 2011 – Friday
- Chicago
- Willis Tower
- Lunch Cruise from Navy Pier on Lake Michigan
- Museum of Science and Industry
October 8, 2011 – Saturday
- Dixon Sister Cities Association Annual Oktoberfest
- *Time to Shop with host family prior to Oktoberfest (Motorsport event for Uwe)
October 9, 2011 – Sunday
- Departure – O’Hare 16:35 (4:35 PM)
*Itinerary determined by host families and guests. We can individualize the itinerary on these days if so desired.