In late summer of 2001, a group of park commissioners met at the park to discuss where waterlines should be placed.  During this discussion, one member noticed that a lot of fill dirt was going to be needed to bring the park up to acceptable grade.  They called Chuck Willett of “Whatever Trucking Company” in Dixon, Illinois.  It was within an hour that trucks filled with dirt started backing into the park.  Truck after truck hauled in dirt filling in all the noticeable low spots.  Shortly thereafter, a big cat arrived and spread this dirt around until the park was brought to an grade.

A sign was erected proclaiming that this was the future home of Veterans’ Memorial Park.  The next day water lines were being staked out and measurements were being read and painted on the ground.  No one knew it at that time, but construction was now underway.  There were no fan fares or ceremonies for the groundbreaking; just a group of people starting a project that was long overdue.

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