The city council has an appointed airport board to advise the city council and the city manager on all matters relating to the Dixon Airport. The airport board shall be advisory only. The airport board shall make no purchase, lease, agreement, expenditure, sale of property or personnel decision without the prior consent of the city council. The airport board shall consist of five (5) members who, excepting in case of appointments to fill vacancies, shall hold office for three (3) years and until their successors are appointed. The mayor, with the consent and approval of the city council, on or before January 1 of each year shall appoint members to succeed the members whose terms expire. The mayor, with the consent and approval of the city council, may remove any member at any time. (Ord. 2985, 12-7-2015)

Airport Board Members: 

Mark Applequist
William Siemmer
Ray Neisewander, III
Larry Ebert
John Reining