Dixon Firefighters Charitable Association was organized in January of 2008. It is comprised of all Dixon City Fire Department members.
In the past, the firefighters of Dixon have self supported many activities and donations to organizations. Currently, we conduct a donation drive by means of mail in February of each year. The proceeds benefit programs that have an emphasis on the youth and elderly residents of Dixon. All funds raised through our philanthropic efforts go directly to our community and organizations in need. Any support will be appreciated and beneficial to the citizens of our beloved community.
Programs included but not limited to::
- Sponsorships to youth sports
- Annual Muscular Dystrophy Association Fill the Boot Drive
- Donation for Dixon High School Baseball Scoreboard
- Help build DIxon Junior Tackle storage building
- P.A.D.S. Shelter
- Smoke Detector Pizza Drive
- Sponsorship to Burn Camp
- Smoke Detector Battery Exchange
- Smoke Detectors for the Elderly
- Stop, Drop and Reel fishing tournament for children
- Toys for Tots Breakfast fund raiser
Jake Henry – Secretary – Treasurer
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Fire Department