Fire Engine 6: 2006 Alexis
Dixon Fire Department’s front line engine/pumper is a 2006 Alexis built on a Spartan chassis. It has a 1250 GPM Hale pump and holds 750 gallons of water. This apparatus is taken as the first due engine on all fire calls and investigations within the city.

Fire Engine 4: 1992 Alexis
Engine 4 is a 1993 Alexis engine/pumper built on a Spartan chassis. It has a 1250 GPM pump and holds 500 gallons of water. This apparatus is our second due engine and is also the engine used when going to mutual aid or auto aid with Dixon Rural or other surrounding communities.

Snorkel 3: 1978 Hendrickson

Tower 10: 2011 Alexis Aerial
Tower 10 is a 2011 Alexis Aerial built on a HME chassis. It has an aerial ladder and platform capable of reaching 104 feet. A 200 GPM pump holds 300 gallons of water. Tower 10 is first due on all reported structure fires and alarms.

Squad 5: 2009 Alexis Ford F-550
Squad 5 is a 2009 Alexis fast response vehicle. Built on a Ford F-550 4-wheel drive chassis. This is truly a multi-purpose apparatus with water & pump capabilities for grass and field fires. Has an on-board generator and light tower, a cascade air system to refill air packs on scene of fires, as well as many other versatile uses.

Squad 2 Suburban: 1992 GMC

Rescue Boat: 2009 Clark Boat
2009 Clark Boat is a 21 foot plate boat with a 115 HP Mercury motor. It is equipped with side scan sonar technology, which allows personnel to see clear images to the bottom of the river.

Boat: 16′ Lowe Jon

Haz-Mat Trailer: Mabas Division 38, 2003-20′ Haulmark
Dixon Fire houses the Mabas Division 38 Hazardous Material Trailer which is a 2003 20 foot Haulmark. It is equipped with various haz mat equipment that allows us to contain and mitigate a haz mat emergency in Lee County. The equipment carried on the trailer was made possible due to Dixon Fire applying for and being awarded an AFG Grant for $65,000 in 2003.

1 H 17 Ambulance
1 H 17 Ambulance is a 2007 Ford Medtech Ambulance built on a Ford F-350 chassis. This is one of two advanced life support ambulances for Dixon Fire. 1H17 is our first due ambulance.

1 H 26 Ambulance
1 H 26 Ambulance is a 2001 Ford Medtech Ambulance built on a Ford E-350 chassis. This is our second advanced life support ambulance for Dixon Fire. Equipped the same as 1H17, it responds on all double up ambulance calls that Dixon Fire receives. 1H26 is our second due ambulance.