How do I become part of the Dixon Police Department Team?
The hiring process is controlled and administered according to State law by the City of Dixon Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. It all begins with completing an application. Applications are only accepted during the months leading up to the testing process.
If we are hiring, an application will be posted on our website. Prospective applicants should complete the application with the understanding that the department is required to have a standing eligibility hiring list. All officers hired by the Dixon Police Department must come from the eligibility list. This list is valid for 2 years from the date it is posted or until the list is exhausted. Dixon’s current eligibility hiring list was created in July 2024, and will expire July 2026.
What Should I Expect on the Day of Testing?
There are three components to the testing to establish an eligibility hiring list. They are: Physical Fitness Test (POWER), Written Examination and Oral Interview. All stages of testing are administered by the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners. The physical fitness testing is completed on a Saturday morning and the written examination is done the same day for all applicants that pass the physical fitness test. Once the scores are received from the written examination, the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners will set up dates and times for the applicants to complete the oral interview.

What Happens if I Pass All Three Components?
A hiring eligibility list is created and applicants can receive a maximum of five (5) preference points for previous active duty military service, five (5) preference points for an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice, or five(5) preference points for a Bachelor’s Degree. These are “pure” points which are added to the applicant’s final total score. Once the scores are computed and military and education points are applied by the Police and Fire Board of Commissioners, the list is posted and applicants are offered positions in ranking order based on the list. The only exception to this is that if there is an applicant on the list who is currently a certified full-time law enforcement officer, who has worked at least two years, they can be hired on a preference.
If a position opens up while the eligibility list is active, a tentative job offer is tendered to the top applicant, contingent upon successfully passing a rigorous background investigation, polygraph examination, psychological examination and medical clearance.
Once hired, the officer is sent to the Police Training Institute (PTI) in Springfield, Illinois for twelve weeks. Upon completion of the academy, the officer is placed with a Field Training Officer (FTO) for 12 to 16 weeks. Once it is determined that the officer is ready for solo patrol they are released, but are on a probationary status for one (1) year after completion of the field training process.