The City of Dixon has released street resurfacing plans for this summer as well as preliminary plans for summer 2019.
In addition to the scheduled roadway work, select curb and sidewalk improvements will also be made, including the installation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalk ramps. The work is being done as part of a multi-year $4.5 million dollar commitment by the Dixon City Council to improve infrastructure city wide.
Work has already begun, with City crews performing preliminary concrete work and also checking underground water and wastewater infrastructure located within the roadways for proper function. Work performed by City staff is expected to save approximately $200,000 in construction costs.
This upcoming resurfacing work represents the first series of streets selected utilizing Dixon’s Street Analysis Program, which was completed in December 2016. Each street is rated on a 1 to 10 scale, with 1 being a street in need of total reconstruction and 10 being an entirely new street. Public Works Director Matt Heckman said, “The Street Analysis Program is an invaluable tool which helped greatly during the selection process”.
“Using the impartial rating system and then evaluating traffic flow, the condition of underground infrastructure, and also proximity to other areas designated for resurfacing has helped us to create a tremendous two-year program, with more improvements to come in year three and beyond” continued Heckman.
City Manager Danny Langloss said, “We could not be more excited about this project. Assistant City Manager Matt Heckman and his team have done a phenomenal job putting this multi-year plan together. Our Public Works team is running full throttle. The in-house work we are completing is letting us stretch every dollar to deliver more value for our citizens.”
Mayor Liandro Arellano said, “This massive multi-year street resurfacing project is perhaps the largest in Dixon’s history. Our citizens have demanded better roads, and the City is doing exactly that. We are proud and excited to have this project underway!”
Streets slated for resurfacing this year are:
S. Hill Drive from 5th Ave. to 6th Ave.
Ridge Court from the Cul de Sac to N. Hill Dr.
Vitale Street West of 4th Ave.
N. Dixon Avenue from E. Bradshaw to Noble
N. Ottawa Avenue from Boyd St. to Graham St.
W. 4th Street from Depot to Lincoln
W. 1st Street from Lincoln to Sherman
Christiana Terrace from Jay Dee to Lincoln
S. Dixon Avenue from E. 2nd St. to 7th St.
Anchor Rd. from Rt. 38 to Rt. 52
Anchor Rd. from Rt. 38 to Countryside Lane
Countryside Lane from Rt. 38 to Lantern Ct.
Countryside Lane from Lantern Ct. to Anchor Rd. – Patching only
E. 7th Street from S. Dixon to S. Dement
S. Dement Avenue from E. 5th St. to E. 7th St.
Alley behind Nachusa House from W. 2nd St. to W, 3rd St.
Oakwood Cemetery – Various Streets
Streets proposed for resurfacing in 2019 are:
W. Graham from N. Galena to 4th Ave.
4th Avenue from N. Galena to Palmyra St.
N. Peoria Avenue from the Bridge to Everett St.
E. McKenney from St. Galena to Assembly
N. Brinton Avenue from Timber Creek Rd. to Heights Rd.
W. 1st Street from Monroe to Van Buren
W. 7th Street from Depot to Lincoln
Depot Avenue from 5th St. to 7th St.
E. 2nd Street from Galena to Hennepin
Division Street from Galena to Eastern
Fargo Avenue from Division to Chicago Ave.
2018-2019 Street Resurfacing Map – Entire City
2018-2019 Street Resurfacing Map – NE Quadrant
2018-2019 Street Resurfacing Map – NW Quadrant