Every year, a number of Dixon homeowners experience some type of failure in the water service pipes between the water main and exterior shut-off box located on their property. These repairs are the responsibility of the homeowner, cost approximately $5,000 per occurrence, and are not covered by traditional homeowner’s insurance.
In response to homeowner requests the City of Dixon has created the Residential Service Line Maintenance Program. This new program covers repairs to leaking underground residential water service pipes when the leak occurs between the water main and the exterior shut-off box.
Who’s covered?
Owner-occupied single-family residences and also owner-occupied rental properties of 4 units or less.
What does the program cost?
$1.95/month ($23.40/year). There is no deductible. Eligible repairs are fully covered. Homeowners will see the monthly fee on their bill beginning in March 2020. All funds collected for the program will be kept in a separate fund for the sole purpose of funding eligible water service repairs.
How do I enroll?
Eligible homeowners are automatically enrolled in the Repair Program. If you believe your property is eligible and you do not see the fee on your March bill please contact City Hall at 815-288-3381.
What repairs will the program pay for?
All common aspects of water service repair for leaks occurring between the water main and the exterior shut-off box:
- Street Opening Permits
- Excavation
- Plumbing Pipe/Fittings
- Street Repairs
- Sidewalk Repairs
- Restorative Dirt and Seed
- All Labor
Are homeowners able to opt out of the program?
Yes. Homeowners may opt out of the program by completing the “Opt Out” form and returning the signed, original form to City Hall. Opting out is not recommended as repairs of this sort typically cost thousands of dollars.
Are homeowners able to opt back into the program?
Yes. Following an on-site inspection of the property, homeowners may be allowed to return to the program if the plumbing is found to be in good condition.
Is the City assuming ownership over privately-owned water service lines?
No. Each homeowner will retain ownership of their water service line.
Still have Questions? Give us a call at City Hall 815-288-3381.