“Water Meter Project on Track: Langloss apologizes for misinformation. City is nowhere near considering shutting off anyone’s water.”
The City of Dixon water meter project is on track and going well. To kick off the new water meter installation, UMI sent out 400 letters to Dixon residents in the southwest side of town. Of the 400 locations, 250 meters have been installed.
City Manager Danny Langloss said, “We apologize for the misinformation that has gone out to the community. There was some kind of miscommunication, and we are fixing that immediately. We want to make one thing very clear. This project is a partnership with our community. We are working with our community to complete this project, and so far, things are running very smooth. We have a great community and we are sure this project will be a tremendous success.” Langloss added, “We are nowhere near shutting off anybody’s water. That would be the very last resort after multiple attempts of contact and installation. If it got to that point, a resident would receive at least 3 letters from my office and numerous attempts at in-person communication before we would even consider going that route. Again, we apologize for the misinformation.”
Last week, UMI sent out the around 700 more letters to new houses on the southwest side of town to continue the process. As a reminder, when residents receive the letters they are supposed to contact UMI directly to schedule their appointment. UMI has created some evening and weekend installation times for appointments.
“Again, we want to make it clear that no one is in jeopardy of having their water shut off at this stage in the process. We are confident that this step will not be necessary. We have a great community and we know we can work together to get this project completed.”
Press Release Water Meter Project on Track – Langloss Apologizes for Misinformation