City of Dixon is accepting proposals from consultants for construction-related engineering services (CE) for the construction of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS)/Division and Fargo paving project. The evaluation criteria and weighting for this project are as follows: technical approach – 25%, firm experience – 25%, staff capabilities – 25%, work load capacity – 20%, and local presence – 5%.
Consultants must request a proposal packet from the city by electronically submitting their request for RFQ materials in PDF format on company letterhead to Dixon City Clerk Keesha Kunde at . A link to the packet will be provided and will consist of the following: SRTS Division & Fargo Paving Project QBS Request for Qualifications, SRTS Division & Fargo Paving Project RFQ Instructions and Details, City of Dixon Qualified Based Selection (QBS) Policy and Procedures, IDOT BDE DISC 2 TEMPLATE Conflict of Interest Form, and PDF formatted compiled plans and special provisions for this project.
As a part of their submission, prospective firms must provide information regarding all sub-consultants to be used in conjunction with this project. Interviews will not be required.
Proposal responses are due on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 4:00 pm at City Hall, 121 W. Second St., Dixon, IL 61021 and shall be delivered to the attention of Dixon City Clerk Keesha Kunde. Late submissions will be rejected. The technical proposal must not contain any cost information. All proposals shall include conflict of interest forms for the consultant and sub-consultants. Firms shall deliver three electronic copies on USB flash drives in PDF format and three bound copies. Each section should be labeled and tabbed with the applicable section number. Questions regarding this RFQ may be directed to Public Works Director Matt Heckman at or by calling 815-288-7474.